She outlived her original three to six month prognosis by a full three months. Most of it she lived well, tiring easily but fully there mentally and pain free. I am sure that her husband, two daughters and four grandchildren are utterly bereft. How could they not be.
Her kindness and goodness shined out of her with a lambent glow. She had a quick wit. She delighted at winning when playing cards and lost gracefully. She understood the concept of "just a game." She had a kind word for everyone.
She was tiny, maybe five feet tall, maybe a hundred pounds - fully clothed and with shoes on. She had an astonishing amount of dark gray wavy hair. When she smiled her nose wrinkled and her eyes twinkled. I never saw her in a bad mood, though she was very human, so I know she must have had them sometimes.
I love her dearly. I will miss her terribly. And I know how very, very lucky I am to have known her. I will treasure that forever.
Goodbye Ember. Thank you. I love you.
I'm sorry for your loss, Wunx. Sending good thoughts your way for everyone.
I am so sorry for your loss. She will live on in your special memories and the place you have for her in your heart.
Remember the good times, the laughter, and the joy she brought to you. She was one special woman!
I rejoice in your love for and your memories of your mother-in-law. How wonderful that she died comfortably.
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