Saturday, September 29, 2007


It's an old saw, but very true: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What you and I think is beautiful more than likely differs considerably.

I think spiders are gloriously beautiful; so many arthropods are. Snakes and lizards are lithe and lovely. Almost anything imaged by a scanning electron microscope is marvelous.

I think big noses are magnificent. Had I been Roxanne, Cyrano would have had no need for de Neuvillette to front for him.

On 9-26 Cicada, of Bioephemera fame, posted this painting and speculated upon the live girl's size and lack of cellulite.

My first impressions were "cool skeleton" and "beautiful hands." Hands are darn hard to paint. I suspect (looking at her perky bosom) that the live model was probably a teenager which would explain the lack of dimples and ripples on her glowing flesh.

Being less than svelte myself, I've done a good bit of thinking about size and beauty. Except for the slender figures in Egyptian art, seems to me that historically most Western females have been pretty robust. I would suspect that, back when food was harder to come by, a "strapping" figure was not only a sign of health, but also a sign of wealth. And what could be more attractive than that combination?

It hasn't been so terribly long since tastes in this country changed. These women were, and still are, considered some of the sexiest, loveliest ever to have lived.












Even today, Japanese men hyperventilate with lust at the thought of Marilyn Monroe.

These ladies could hardly be called thin, but they surely are all woman.

Then in 1967 a British model called Twiggy arrived on the scene, and it hasn't been the same since.
Darn it all!

The dust mite micrograph was downloaded at , the picture is courtesy of Electron Microscopy and Audio Visual unit of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.


Kate/High Altitude Gardening said...

I'll bet if you polled the guys, Twiggy would be in last place...

bioephemera said...

Kate may be right - but those other women aren't really THAT meaty. I've noticed that many guys like curves, but not past the point that other guys might call their girlfriends "fat." They may lust after zaftig bombshells, but they want to be seen with petite fashionistas. Not all guys, but - I'm just sayin'.

Good post, though. I do wish we cold go back to a strappinger time. . . and that Kate Moss would end up out of work.

bioephemera said...

Oh, and did you see this:

Airbrushed America

Wunx~ said...

Here's another interesting "Before and After" Five years ago Jamie Lee Curtis decided that the world needed to see what a real 43 year old woman looked like.

I think we should all stand up and cheer for Jamie Lee!

Wunx~ said...

True, The ladies I chose, Sophia Loren, Raquel Welch and Marilyn Monroe are not "meaty", but they could be termed "strapping", especially Monroe, whom I've heard was a size (brace yourself) 14. She looks to me to be darn close in general configuration to the live model.

One of my all time favorites is Mae West. As a well upholstered middle aged woman, she was the hottest babe in this country during the Depression. Best of all, she had a sense of humor.