Monday, September 24, 2007

Girding the Garden for Frost

It's amazing how quickly the weather can go from short sleeves to wooly jacket as it's done over the last couple of days here. Poor Kate lost all of her tomatoes last week and had snow Sunday night. Brrr!

We have frost warnings for my neck o' the woods tonight and I still have a bizillion green tomatoes on the vines. Which just happen to be more than seven feet high! (No, I did not feed them steroids.)

Unfortunately, I do not like fried green tomatoes -- though I did once make a pretty tasty green tomato pie...

So this afternoon, I went down to Mill Creek Nursery and bought three 10'x12' "frost blankets."

It was quite a job getting them up and over the tomatoes. I had to wait for the Engineer to get home to help me with it. I did the front bed myself. I'm tall enough to get the fabric over the eggplant bushes - they're only about 4 feet tall.

Cross your fingers for my veggies. The Ghost Garden, all dressed up for Halloween.

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